Wednesday 22 June 2011

US and NATO military build up against Syria

USS George H.W. Bush
The US and NATO continue to pile up military assets in the Mediterranean and Turkey.

The huge USS George H.W. Bush carrier cruising in the central Mediterranean opposite Syrian shores has been joined by the USS Truxtun missile destroyer which departed the Israeli naval base in Haifa on June 17 and the USS Barry guided missile destroyer which sailed out of the Italian port of Gaeta on the same day.

USS Barry
Also that day, Turkey assumed command of the Standing NATO Maritime Group-2 Response Force in the Mediterranean.

In Paris, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin issued another warning against military intervention in Syria on the Libyan model.

 USS Truxtun

Monday, it was reported that some sources described Turkish military helicopters as infiltrating northern Syria on reconnaissance missions and NATO planning to fly extra troops from Spanish and Germany bases to the Izmir Air base in western Turkey.
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