Saturday, 18 June 2011

On the Blessed Trinity

Let's just think for a moment about a young woman who is pregnant, and who is delighted that she is. She is a reflective soul, and she loves to spend some time on her own each day, contemplating the miracle that is happening within.

As time goes by, she is more and more conscious of the stirring of new life within her, and her response is a whole-hearted and a grateful yes. Her prayer has never been more profound, even if she is not conscious that she is praying. She is in the midst, and in the process of creation; she is opening her heart totally to the possibility and to the potential. Her baby is already being created and nourished with love.

This is a sacred time, and hers is a very sac­red call. There is a trust that is totally dependent on the process, and it is not a trust that she would have in herself of her own ability to see this through. That trust is nurtured by the love she experiences; it is that love that strengthens her trust. She just believes that all will be well.

'For God so loved the world ... ' When Jesus speaks of the great love of the Father, he immediately appeals for trust in that love. Jesus entered the womb of the world ... His coming among us was an expression of the Father's hug.

'They who see me, see the Father; they who hear me, hear the Father, because I and the Father are one.'

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