Thursday 28 April 2011

Not my wedding

I won't be watching the "Royal" wedding.

Not that I don't wish the pair every happiness. Good luck to them and God bless. But there are two very important points that bother me:

1. Privilege is an insidious poison. It is a poison thousands are dying of as they try in Libya, Syria and the other lands to peacefully demand democratic institutions. Privilege abused is deadly. Privilege used to support democratic institutions, may give authority to those institutions, but it is still privilege - the false (un-democratic) assumption that someone has more rights than some one else by virtue of their birth alone. The public celebration of the "Royal" wedding is also a celebration of privilege. The privileges enjoyed by every member of the "Royal" family and every hanger-on whose very job and position in society is totally dependant - not on their abilities or academic qualifications - but on this privilege.

Whilst we fight a war to defend those suffering from privilege’s excesses, we need to keep this in mind.

2. The Windsor family are rich. Arguably the richest family, with their vast estates and investments, in the UK. Therefore I object very strongly to even a penny of the public purse (especially in this time of severe cuts in services to the poor) being spent on this celebration. By all means march up and down the Strand in fancy carriages and hold receptions galore, but PAY FOR IT YOURSELF.

(BTW I was married on the same day as Charles and Diane. Our marriage lasted 2 years longer than theirs)
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